Let's Talk | July Goals

I cannot even begin to say how happy I am to see June go. In terms of my goals, I'd say I completed about half of them. But I had a bad bout of depression and we traveled and worked a lot, so I don't feel all that bad. And July is a fresh start. My bones feel lighter.


One | Follow our Every Dollar Budget for the month of July.

Two | Keep our apartment tidy by cleaning for one hour per night.

Three | Go to the gym twice per week. I'm debating on whether or not I should bite the bullet and go in the morning, which would mean getting there at (shiver) 5:00 AM so that I could still be on time to work at 6:30. I'm finding more and more that going after work just isn't practical for us.

Four | Stick close to routine. This list is a great resource for getting started with all kinds of routines, from physical and financial to cleaning and self-care.

Five | Spend more time at home. This means less eating out, less shopping for a lot of things that we don't need, and more rest and time spent together.

Six | Go sans screen in the evenings. I will have one exception, which is if Craig and I are watching a television show/movie together. But on the whole, I just need a break from checking all the things.

Seven | Read 2 books. Last month I didn't read the books that I had originally planned, which happens often because I want to read all the books and can never really decide where to start. But this month, I am committing to read Tim Keller's Prayer and Sarah Bessey's Jesus Feminist. Hold me to it.

Eight | Complete another SRT study. I just purchased and downloaded "The Life of Moses," because, you know, there's an order to things and I just finished Genesis, so upward and onward. Also, I just really like Moses and manna and right now, Exodus feels like my story, too.

Do you have any goals for the month of July? I'd love to hear about them and cheer you on.